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Arterial hypertension (HT) is one of the most frequent cardiovascular diseases that physicians have to face during their routine clinical activity.Blood pressure is the product of cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance: despite this simple physiological definition, its level is determined by many physiological systems that are connected by complex interactions.HT is generally classified as primary (essential) or secondary. HT is defined secondary when a clear cause (such as a renal or endocrine disorder) can be identified. On the contrary, essential HT, that represents the majority of cases, can be described as multifactorial in origin: basically there are multiple interactions between genetic and environmental factors that influence blood pressure through several mechanisms, that are known only in part.The WNT/β-catenin pathway, a determining factor in cardiovascular diseases, is activated in hypertension. PPARγ, expressed in adipose tissue but also in vascular cells, is downregulated in hypertension. The WNT/β-catenin pathway and the RAS act in a positive feedback during the process of hypertension, while PPARγ agonists can decrease the expression of the RAS.


1.Alexandre Vallée,et al. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2018;20(7):62. Published 2018 Jun 9.